Michelle Smith- Author Ya mystery and thrillers

ichelle Clevenger

I tell the kinds of stories that make teenagers sleep with their closets shut and their toes tucked up beneath their blankets.

I’m the wife of an airline captain, and the mother of four boys, but I’m also a gymnast, a dancer, a crossfit coach, an NCAA judge for gymnastics, a marathon runner, and a piano player. I do my best writing while travelling with my husband around the world, sitting on beaches of tropical islands, or enjoying fall leaves and a big cup of hot chocolate at home in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

I have been frightening friends and family members with my terrifying tales since I could talk, but my favorite stories to tell have undefeatable monsters that are somehow outsmarted, twisty endings you should have seen coming, and just a touch of awkward teenage romance to find a place in your heart.

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The first book in my new series Styx Sisters is expected in 2023.
