1408 Book Cover

Stephen Kings 1408 
*Spoilers- So so so many spoilers
1408 is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is such a great ghost story with so many twists and turns and the ending ties everything together making your heart absolutely sink when you realize…the reason no one ever gets out of the hotel room alive is because time resets. This basically takes away the finish line and leaves the protagonist to decide how long they want to be tortured before their final demise. It could be two hours it could be twenty years, makes no difference to the room. You will eventually give up hope and you will eventually kill yourself in order to escape the terrorizing room. 
What an amazing set up! Now that is the kind of great story to have the privilege to flesh out. You can make all sorts of scary things happen to your protagonist and it will always work because the room is haunted and will continue to reset. I just love it! 
The problem is that…well… Stephen King didn’t write that. 
(Insert shock and horror here) But Tracy! How can you say that? Stephen King is the master or horror and suspense. To be honest I have never been a huge fan of Stephen King. I think we have very different fears. Bleeding walls and giant underground spiders don’t really worry me in my everyday life. I’ve never feared that my pen name would take over my life or that aliens were coming for me. 
Even so, I wanted to give Mr. King a chance so I read his short story 1408. While it was a indisputably well written story, the entire reason I loved the movie so much was for the tight, terrifying end which shockingly wasn’t part of Stephen Kings writing. 
In the short story version the room does not reset. It is haunted, in slightly different, more gruesome and terrifying ways then the movie but at the end our protagonist lights himself on fire which is enough to break the spell of the room and he escapes out the door. 
While he does have long term effects from staying in the room, he gives up writing and starts sleeping with the lights on I find this end changes the entire movie for me and takes away the extreme cleverness of having a room that resets every hour until you kill yourself. 
What are your thoughts? Is King’s short story ending better? Are they just different or are you like me and think that the best part of the story was the plot of an ever resetting room that eventually tortured you to death?

Written by : Michelle Clevenger

Styx Sisters is expected to release in 2023

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