Did Not Finish

My motto is that life is too short to finish a bad book. And this, unfortunately, was not my cup of tea.

1/5 Black Cats and a Tombstone because I DNF


As an author I notice the writing. It was bad. Everything from cliches to boring descriptions without emotion to flat characters. I actually laughed out loud a few times and my boys looked over confused at why I was chuckling at what is supposed to be a scary book. Oops!

I wanted to like this book. The cover looked creepy and tantalizing. But it never seemed to go anywhere. The main character, Dare, was a type 1 diabetic. unfortunately instead of enhancing the story, her disease slowed down the book to give us an depth look at how she cared for her diabetes. So much so that you could probably rename the book, Ghost hunting with type 1 diabetes 101.

I didn’t enjoy the romance at all and then finally gave up during chapter 4. If you haven’t hooked me in with over an hour of reading then you’ve lost your chance. It felt like a chore to pick this book back up and I kept finding other things to do. So, while I am glad that I cleaned my bathrooms and unloaded the dishwasher, I did finally return the book and moved on to the next title on my list.

Written by : Michelle Clevenger

Styx Sisters is expected to release in 2023

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